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When debugging a Bash shell script, we may find that it runs slowly. Therefore, it's important to know some of the details hidden in Bash and learn some tricks. Is $() or `` Really Necessary? In th…
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Replacement Command/Syntax Description sed 's/regexp/replacement/' …
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CmdAutoComp is a Shell script. It is designed to simplify the implementation of auto-completion of commands. It relies on the complete command on the Linux shell and a command tree file (with the su…
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This tool is designed to quickly jump to a specific directory in the Linux shell. you can find the source code and the manual at <https://github.com/execonic/linux-jcd>. Commits…
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Booklist <https://linuxcommand.org/index.php> The Linux Command Line By William Shotts Attachment: This book is a broad overview of living on the Linux command line. Unlike some books that co…
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