When debugging a Bash shell script, we may find that it runs slowly. Therefore, it's important to know some of the details hidden in Bash and learn some tricks. Is $() or `` Really Necessary? In th…
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* Open /etc/default/grub and append the following code to it. * Run sudo update-grub * Run cat /boot/grub/grub.cfg to confirm that all bootable partitions have been added to the grub menu en…
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Case 1 Scenario After upgrading from Debian 11 to Debian 12, the Settings menu cannot be opened. Solution Run sudo apt install gnome-control-center to install gnome-control-centergnome-control-c…
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Steps * Run sudo ifconfig to get the interface name of the USB WIFI module. Example * Create a file named usb_wifi (you can use other names) in the /etc/network/interfaces.d directory and a…
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Replacement Command/Syntax Description sed 's/regexp/replacement/' …
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Booklist <https://linuxcommand.org/index.php> The Linux Command Line By William Shotts Attachment: This book is a broad overview of living on the Linux command line. Unlike some books that co…
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Change prompt change prompt temporarily * Run export PS1='Combination of '. e.g. Change Prompt Permanently * Open the ~/.bashrc with editor. * Search and change the PS1 variable to 'Comb…
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There are many reasons for this problem, and I will keep updating this page with possible causes. The graphics card is not working How to confirm If you are using Nvidia, run nvidia-smi to see if…
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Use gnome-tweak-tool * Install gnome-tweak-tool and run it with: * Then you can change the scaling factor to suit your needs. As in the example below, the scale factor is changed to 1.25.…
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