Table of Contents

Cloudflare encryption mode

Introduce the encryption modes supported by Cloudflare, and point out some things that need attention.


The image below shows the Cloudflare dashboard interface for changing the encryption mode.

Encryption modes

The below is copied from

  • Off (no encryption)
    Setting your encryption mode to Off (not recommended) redirects any HTTPS request to plaintext HTTP.
  • Flexible
    Setting your encryption mode to Flexible makes your site partially secure. Cloudflare allows HTTPS connections between your visitor and Cloudflare, but all connections between Cloudflare and your origin are made through HTTP. As a result, an SSL certificate is not required on your origin.
  • Full
    When you set your encryption mode to Full, Cloudflare allows HTTPS connections between your visitor and Cloudflare and makes connections to the origin using the scheme requested by the visitor. If your visitor uses http, then Cloudflare connects to the origin using plaintext HTTP and vice versa.
  • Full (strict)
    When you set your encryption mode to Full (strict), Cloudflare does everything in Full mode but also enforces more stringent requirements for origin certificates.
  • Strict (SSL-Only Origin Pull)
    When you set your encryption mode to Strict (SSL-Only Origin Pull), connections to the origin will always be made using SSL/TLS, regardless of the scheme requested by the visitor.

Things to note
